201. |
The Impact of Alcohol and Ammonium Fluoride on Pressure-Induced Amorphization of Cubic Structure I Clathrate Hydrates
Lilli-Ruth Fidler, Paul Posch, Johannes Klocker, Thomas S. Hofer, Thomas Loerting;
European Conference on Gas Hydrates (Trieste, Italy),
11/06 - 14/06/2024.
200. |
The Impact of Alcohol and Ammonium Fluoride on Pressure-Induced Amorphization of Cubic Structure I Clathrate Hydrates
Lilli-Ruth Fidler, Paul Posch, Johannes Klocker, Thomas S. Hofer, Thomas Loerting;
WaterX International workshop (La Maddalena, Italy),
25/05 - 30/05/2024.
199. |
Intermediate H-ordered state between ice V-XIII pair
Keishiro Yamashita, Thomas Loerting;
WaterX International workshop (La Maddalena, Italy),
25/05 - 30/05/2024.
198. |
Water-like Polyamorphism in Hyperquenched Aqueous LiCl Solutions
Johannes Giebelmann, Johannes Bachler, Thomas Lörting;
WaterX International workshop (La Maddalena, Italy),
25/05 - 30/05/2024.
197. |
Strategies to Obtain Highly-Ordered Deuterated Water Ices Based on Calorimetry, X-Ray and High-Resolution Powder Neutron Diffraction
Christina M. Tonauer, Thomas Loerting;
Bunsen Tagung 2024 (RWTH Aachen University, Germany),
25/03 - 27/03/2024.
196. |
Hydrogen ordering in ice V/XIII from calorimetry
Keishiro Yamashita;
H2O Science (Sapporo, Japan),
06/03 - 07/03/2024.
195. |
Ice XIX and its place in phase diagram
Thomas Loerting;
H2O Science (Sapporo, Japan),
06/03 - 07/03/2024.
194. |
Kinetics of the Hydrogen Order-to-Order Transition in Ice XV/XIX
Alexander Thoeny, Tobias Gasser, Thomas Loerting;
15th International conference of the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (Sapporo, Japan),
193. |
Ice XIX: The Second Hydrogen-Ordered Daughter Phase of Ice VI
Tobias M. Gasser, Alexander Thoeny, Thomas Loerting;
15th International conference of the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (Sapporo, Japan),
192. |
Hydrogen-Ordered States of Ice V-XIII Revisited: ?-State Between the Two
Keishiro Yamashita, Thomas Loerting;
15th International conference of the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (Sapporo, Japan),
191. |
Polyamorphism in Vitrified Water Droplets: Nucleation of a Liquid in a Liquid
Johannes Bachler, Johannes Giebelmann, Thomas Loerting;
15th International conference of the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (Sapporo, Japan),
190. |
Polymorphism and Polyamorphism of Water: Governing Order and Disorder
Thomas Loerting;
9th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (Chiba, Japan),
188. |
Unique phase transformations in glassy aqueous solutions containing ionic liquids
Johannes Bachler, Federico Caporaletti, Menno Demmenie, Sander Woutersen, Isabella Daidone, Laura Zanetti-Polzi, Thomas Loerting;
XVI International Workshop on Complex Systems (Andalo, Italy),
187. |
Spectroscopy and Chemical Reactivity of Astronomical Ices
Christina M. Tonauer, Thomas Loerting;
CMWS Water Days 2023 (DESY, Germany),
186. |
Kinetics of the H/D sublattice in ice: ice XIX decay and ice XV buildup from Raman and Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopies
Alexander V. Thoeny, Thomas Loerting;
6. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany),
185. |
On the search for ice XI‘
Pit Bartl, Thomas Loerting;
6. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany),
183. |
Possible new phase ice XX
Keishiro Yamashita, Thomas Loerting;
6. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany),
182. |
Stable clathrate hydrates containing alcohols as guest molecules
Lilli-Ruth Fidler, Thomas Loerting;
6. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany),
181. |
Polyamorphism and LLT in aqueous LiCl-solutions
Johannes Giebelmann, Thomas Loerting;
6. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany),
180. |
Disorder in ice VII from in situ neutron diffraction
Keishiro Yamashita, Thomas Loerting;
6. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany),
179. |
NIR spectroscopy of crystalline and amorphous ices
Christina M. Tonauer, Thomas Loerting;
Bunsen-Tagung 2022 (Justus Liebig University, Gießen, Germany),
178. |
Accessing the liquid liquid transition from amorphous ices
Thomas Loerting;
From Water to Colloidal Water - Celebrating the contributions of Francesco Sciortino to Soft Matter (Rome, Italy),
177. |
Polyamorphism in hyperquenched glassy water and aqueous solutions
Johannes Bachler, Johannes Giebelmann , Thomas Loerting;
International Workshop WaterX (La Maddalena, Italy),
176. |
Thomas Loerting;
International Workshop WaterX (La Maddalena, Italy),
175. |
Extending the spectrum: NIR spectroscopy of crystalline and amorphous ices
Christina M. Tonauer, Thomas Loerting;
International Workshop WaterX (La Maddalena, Italy),
174. |
Cryotechniques in Ice Research
Thomas Loerting;
Czech Chemical Society (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic),
173. |
On the process of the discovery of a new ice polymorph: ice XIX
Thomas Loerting;
Czech Chemical Society (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic),
172. |
Near-infrared spectroscopy studies on amorphous H2O ices
Christina M. Tonauer, Thomas Loerting;
DESY CMWS Days 2022 (Online),
171. |
Ice XIX - the process of the discovery of an ice polymorph
Thomas Loerting;
DESY CMWS Days 2022 (Online), Plenary Lecture,
170. |
Amorphous ices: Crystal clear?
Johannes Bachler, Thomas Loerting;
Czech Chemical Society (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic),
169. |
Workshop on Glasses and glass-forming liquids
Johannes Bachler;
Czech Chemical Society (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic),
168. |
Ice XIX: A second H-ordered polymorph related to ice VI
Tobias M. Gasser, Alexander V. Thoeny, Thomas Loerting;
Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der ÖPG und SPG (Innsbruck, Austria), 30/08–03/09/2021.
167. |
First-order liquid–liquid transition or nanoscale phase segregation in ideal aqueous solutions?
Johannes Bachler, Thomas Loerting;
11th Liquid Matter Conference (Online), 19–23/07/2021.
166. |
Ice VI and its hydrogen-ordered children.
Tobias M. Gasser, Alexander V. Thoeny, A. Dominic Fortes, Thomas Loerting;
DESY CMWS Days 2021 (Online), 24–25/03/2021.
165. |
Extending the spectrum: NIR spectroscopy of crystalline H2O-ices.
Christina M. Tonauer, Christian W. Huck, Thomas Loerting;
The 4th Aquaphotomics International Conference (Online), 20–22/03/2021.
164. |
Reactivity in crystalline and amorphous high-pressure ices.
Christina M. Tonauer, Thomas Loerting;
DESY WATER WEEK, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Hamburg, Germany), 25–28/02/2020.
163. |
A view from the atmosphere: The physics and chemistry behind climate change.
Thomas Loerting;
1869 - 2019 - 150-Jahr-Feier der Chemisch-Physikalischen Gesellschaft (Vienna, Austria), 05/11/2019.
Full Talk (630 MB, 48:12)
162. |
Hydrogen order and disorder in amorphous and crystalline ices.
Thomas Loerting;
Exotic Forms of Ice: In the Laboratory and Throughout the Universe (Chattanooga, TN, USA), 13/10–14/10/2019.
161. |
Deeply supercooled liquid water below the crystalization line?
Thomas Loerting;
Structure and Dynamics of Glassy, Supercooled and Nanoconfined Fluids - Workshop 2019 (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 14/07–16/07/2019.
160. |
Distinguishing ice β-XV from deep glassy ice VI: Raman-Spectroscopy.
Alexander V. Thöny, Tobias M. Gasser, Thomas Loerting;
Lehrstuhlseminar: Festkörperspektroskopie der TU Dortmund (Sommersemester 2019) (Dortmund, Germany), 09/07/2019.
159. |
Hydrogen Order in Deuterated Ice VI.
Tobias M. Gasser, Alexander V. Thöny, Thomas Loerting;
Lehrstuhlseminar: Festkörperspektroskopie der TU Dortmund (Sommersemester 2019) (Dortmund, Germany), 25/06/2019.
158. |
Solid polyamorphism of water: recent simulations and experiments.
Philip H. Handle, Nicolas Giovambattista, Thomas Loerting, Francesco Sciortino;
Roma Tre Congress on Water under Extreme Conditions (Rome, Italy), 12/06–14/06/2019.
157. |
Nature of water’s second glass transition elucidated by doping and isotope substitution experiments.
Violeta Fuentes Landete, Lucie J. Plaga, Markus Keppler, Roland Böhmer, Thomas Loerting;
Roma Tre Congress on Water under Extreme Conditions (Rome, Italy), 12/06–14/06/2019.
156. |
Liquid and Solid Polyamorphism of Water: Recent Simulations and Experiments.
Philip H. Handle, Thomas Loerting;
XV International Workshop on Complex Systems 2019 (Andalo, Italy), 17/03–20/03/2019.
155. |
Hydrogen order and disorder in a high-pressure phase of H2O ice: Ice VI.
Tobias M. Gasser, Alexander V. Thoeny, Roland Böhmer, Thomas Loerting;
XV International Workshop on Complex Systems 2019 (Andalo, Italy), 17/03–20/03/2019.
154. |
Thomas Loerting;
2nd Workshop CMWS (Hamburg, Germany), 04/12–05/12/2018.
153. |
Amourphous Solid Water: Laboratory Studies.
Thomas Loerting;
LabAstro2018. Workshop on Laboratory Astrophysics (Hamburg, Germany), 10/10–12/10/2018.
152. |
Physics and Chemistry of Supercooled Water and Ice.
Tobias M. Gasser, Thomas Loerting;
Summer School 2018 - Doctoral Programme Reactivity and Catalysis (Obergurgl, Austria), 25/09–27/09/2018.
151. |
Glass transitions in amorphous and crystalline H2O and D2O ices.
Thomas Loerting;
Water: Grand Challenges for Molecular Science and Engineering (Telluride, CO, USA), 8/7–13/7/2018.
150. |
Thermodynamic isotope effects on the order-disorder transition of ice XIV to ice XII.
Violeta Fuentes Landete, Thomas Loerting;
5. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 23/5–25/5/2018.
149. |
Hydrogen disordered counterpart of ice II?
Violeta Fuentes Landete, Thomas Loerting;
5. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 23/5–25/5/2018.
148. |
Is hydrogen-ordering in high-density amorphous ice triggered by dopants?.
Violeta Fuentes Landete, Thomas Loerting;
5. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 23/5–25/5/2018.
147. |
Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Ice β-XV.
Alexander V. Thoeny, Tobias M. Gasser, Thomas Loerting;
5. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 23/5–25/5/2018.
146. |
Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Possibly H-Disordered Ice II.
Alexander V. Thoeny, Violeta Fuentes Landete, Thomas Loerting;
5. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 23/5–25/5/2018.
145. |
Simulation Studies on the Liquid-Liquid Transition.
Philip H. Handle, Thomas Loerting;
5. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 23/5–25/5/2018.
144. |
Fascination Water & Ice: Status and Perspectives.
Thomas Loerting;
5. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 23/5–25/5/2018.
143. |
Hydrogen ordering in H2O and D2O ice VI.
Tobias M. Gasser, Thomas Loerting;
5. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 23/5–25/5/2018.
142. |
Fascination Water and Ice.
Thomas Loerting;
6. GÖCH Symposium. Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie in Österreich (Graz, Austria), 16/5–17/5/2018.
141. |
Die Anomalien des Wassers: eine Substanz, zwei Flüssigkeiten?
Thomas Loerting;
WissensDurst - Das Festival der österreichischen Wissenschaft (Innsbruck, Austria), 23/4/2018.
140. |
Raman investigations on several classes of ice nucleation active aerosols.
Willi Pose, Alexander V. Thoeny, Thomas Loerting;
6th Workshop - Microphysics of ice clouds (Vienna, Austria) (Vienna, Austria), 7/4/2018.
139. |
Crystalline and Amorphous Ices.
Thomas Loerting;
Trends in Water Research. XVII. DESY Research Course on X-Ray Sciences (Hamburg, Germany), 26/2–28/2/2018.
138. |
Experimental evidence for a second hydrogen ordered phase of ice VI.
Tobias M. Gasser, Alexander V. Thoeny, Lucie J. Plage, Karsten W. Köster, Martin Etter, Roland Böhmer Thomas Loerting;
14th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (Zürich ,Switzerland), 8/1–12/1/2018.
137. |
Calorimetric studies on doped high-density amorphous ice.
Violeta Fuentes Landete, Thomas Loerting;
14th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (Zürich ,Switzerland), 8/1–12/1/2018.
136. |
Water´s glass transitions.
Thomas Loerting;
10th Liquid Matter Conference (Ljubljana, Slovenia), 17/7–21/7/2017.
135. |
Shrinking water´s no man´s land in the intermediate pressure regime.
Josef Stern, Thomas Loerting;
10th Liquid Matter Conference (Ljubljana, Slovenia), 17/7–21/7/2017.
134. |
Amorphes Eis: Glasig oder nanokristallin?
Markus Seidl, Thomas Loerting;
Kolloquium des Institut für Anorganische und Angewandte Chemie der Universität Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany), 29/5/2017.
133. |
Crystallisation behavior of VHDA in the high-pressure regime.
Josef Stern, Thomas Loerting;
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (Vienna, Austria), 27/9–29/9/2016.
132. |
Order and disorder in crystalline ices.
Tobias Gasser, Thomas Loerting;
4. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 19/9–21/9/2016.
131. |
CO2 filled ice from high pressure ices.
Bernhard Massani, Thomas Loerting;
4. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 19/9–21/9/2016.
130. |
Glass polymorphism in glycerol-water mixtures.
Johannes Bachler, Thomas Loerting;
4. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 19/9–21/9/2016.
129. |
Calorimetry experiments on doping and isotope effects in amorphous and crystalline ices.
Violeta Fuentes Landete, Thomas Loerting;
4. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 19/9–21/9/2016.
128. |
Amourphous and crystalline ices.
Thomas Loerting;
4. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 19/9–21/9/2016.
127. |
Amorphous Ices: Dynamics.
Thomas Loerting;
International School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation: Water and Water Systems (Erice, Italy), 22/07–31/07/2016.
126. |
Amorphous Ices: Thermodynamics.
Thomas Loerting;
International School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation: Water and Water Systems (Erice, Italy), 22/07–31/07/2016.
125. |
Anomalous Water: One Substance, Two Liquids?
Thomas Loerting;
The 41st Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (MECO 41) (Vienna, Austria), 14/02–17/02/2016.
124. |
Deeply supercooled liquid water.
Thomas Loerting;
The World Academy of Sciences General Meeting (Vienna, Austria), 18/11–21/11/2015.
123. |
Reference to the 'Forschungsplattform Material- und Nanowissenschaften'.
Thomas Loerting;
Zukunftsplattform Obergurgl (Obergurgl, Austria), 19/11–21/11/2015.
122. |
Übersichtsvortrag zu Labor und Theorie.
Thomas Loerting;
Kick-off Meeting EarlySnow and Pro Snow (Innsbruck, Austria), 25/9/2015.
121. |
Relaxation and crystallisation of high-density amorphous ices (HDA) between 0.004 and 1.6 GPa.
Philip H. Handle, Thomas Loerting;
Roma Tre Workshop on Water under Extreme Conditions (Rome, Italy), 10/6–12/6/2015.
120. |
High-performance dilatometry under extreme conditions.
Markus Seidl;
6th Zwick Academia Day 2015 (Zurich, Switzerland), 2/6/2015.
119. |
Crystallization of amorphous ices.
Thomas Loerting, Markus Seidl, Philip H. Handle, Catalin Gainaru, Agnes Raidt, Roland Böhmer;
Workshop on Ice Nucleation (Princeton, New Jersey, United States of America), 23/4–24/4/2015.
118. |
Phases of water and ice below 200 K: hydrogen-ordering of ice XII.
Thomas Loerting, Violeta Fuentes Landete;
Workshop on Fundamental Challenges in our Understanding of the Physics and Chemistry of Water (Houston, Texas, United States of America), 16/1–17/1/2015.
117. |
Pushing the boundaries to "no man's land": raising the crystallization line Tx.
Thomas Loerting, Markus Seidl, Katrin Amann-Winkel;
Water – the Most Anomalous Liquid (Stockholm, Sweden), 13/10–7/11/2014.
116. |
Neuschnee meets Industry: Schnee und Eis.
Thomas Loerting;
Tourism meets Industry (Seefeld, Austria), 2/10/2014.
115. |
Water's second glass transition.
Katrin Amann-Winkel;
64. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (Pöllau, Austria), 24/9–27/9/2014.
114. |
Water's two glass transitions.
Thomas Loerting, Markus Seidl, Katrin Amann-Winkel, Stephan Fuhrmann, Philip H. Handle, Catalin Gainaru, Helge Nelson, Sonja Lemke, Agnes Raidt, Karsten Köster, Roland Böhmer;
Gordon Research Conference on Water & Aqueous Solutions (Holderness, New Hampshire, United States of America), 27/7–1/8/2014.
113. |
Amorphous ices and water's glass transitions.
Thomas Loerting, Markus Seidl, Katrin Amann-Winkel, Stephan Fuhrmann, Philip H. Handle, Catalin Gainaru, Helge Nelson, Sonja Lemke, Agnes Raidt, Karsten Köster, Roland Böhmer;
Amorph 14 – The Felix Franks Symposium: A Celebration (Cambridge, United Kingdom), 14/7–16/7/2014.
112. |
Wasser: Eine Substanz, zwei Flüssigkeiten?
Thomas Loerting;
GDCh-Kolloquium, Institut für Chemie der Universität Rostock, Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig (Rostock, Germany), 19/6/2014.
111. |
Differential scanning calorimetry of crystalline and amorphous ices.
Thomas Loerting;
13th Lähnwitzseminar on Calorimetry – Interplay between Nucleation, Crystallization, and the Glass Transition (Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany), 15/6–20/6/2014.
110. |
Water's second glass transition.
Katrin Amann-Winkel, Catalin Gainaru, Philip H. Handle, Markus Seidl, Helge Nelson, Roland Böhmer, Thomas Loerting;
CECAM Workshop – WaterEurope (Zaragoza, Spain), 12/6–14/6/2014.
109. |
Amorphous ices: crystallization and glass transition.
Thomas Loerting, Markus Seidl, Katrin Amann-Winkel, Stephan Fuhrmann, Philip H. Handle, Catalin Gainaru, Helge Nelson, Sonja Lemke, Agnes Raidt, Karsten Köster, Roland Böhmer;
WATER 2014 – Metastability and nucleation in water: theory, experiments, and applications (Les Houches, France), 1/6–6/6/2014.
108. |
DSC studies on the proton ordering in doped ices.
Violeta Fuentes Landete, Thomas Loerting;
3. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 15/5–17/5/2014.
107. |
Crystallisation behaviour of amorphous ices and implementation of in situ dielectric spectroscopy.
Josef Stern, Markus Seidl, Thomas Loerting;
3. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 15/5–17/5/2014.
106. |
Glass transition in HDA-LiCl and LDA-LiCl solid solutions.
Thomas Loerting, Guadalupe N. Ruiz, Livia E. Bove, Horacio C. Corti;
3. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 15/5–17/5/2014.
105. |
Penetration experiments near the glass transition temperature.
Thomas Loerting, Stephan Fuhrmann, Katrin Amann-Winkel;
3. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 15/5–17/5/2014.
104. |
DSC and microscope experiments for the freezing of aqueous solutions.
Anatoli Bogdan, Thomas Loerting;
2nd ESF Workshop on Atmospheric Ice Nucleation (Vienna, Austria), 26/4–27/4/2014.
103. |
Freezing of aqueous droplets.
Thomas Loerting, Anatoli Bogdan, Karl Handle, Bernhard G. Pummer, Fabian Weiss, Hinrich Grothe;
CECAM Workshop – From atoms to clouds: bridging the gap between atomistic simulation, surface science, atmospheric observation and climate modelling (Zurich, Switzerland), 2/4–4/4/2014.
102. |
Carbonic acid: characterization of the gas phase molecules.
Juergen Bernard;
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Berlin, Germany), 1/4/2014.
101. |
Phase changes in CO2/H2O ices.
Christian Mitterdorfer;
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Berlin, Germany), 1/4/2014.
100. |
Crystallization behavior of amorphous ices prepared via different routes.
Markus Seidl;
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Berlin, Germany), 1/4/2014.
99. |
Water's glass transition: glass-to-liquid or solid-to-solid transition?
Stephan Fuhrmann, Katrin Amann-Winkel, Markus Seidl, Ramona Thalinger, Lukas Mayr, Thomas Loerting;
13th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (Hanover, New Hampshire, United States of America), 17/3–20/3/2014.
98. |
High-density amorphous ice: time-scales of relaxation and transformation.
Thomas Loerting, Markus Seidl, Stephan Fuhrmann, Katrin Amann-Winkel, Philip H. Handle, Catalin Gainaru, Helge Nelson, Sonja Lemke, Agnes Raidt, Karsten Köster, Roland Böhmer;
Berkeley Mini Stat Mech Meeting (Berkeley, California, United States of America), 10/1–12/1/2014.
97. |
X-ray and neutron studies on amorphous ices.
Thomas Loerting, Katrin Amann-Winkel, Christian Mitterdorfer, Marion Bauer, Ingrid Kohl, Andreas Hallbrucker, Florian Löw, Burkhard Geil, Franz Fujara, Wiebke Knoll, Judith Peters, Helen J. Fraser, John L. Finney, Daniel T. Bowron;
Venue symposium Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities by Austrian researchers (Vienna, Austria), 11/11–12/11/2013.
96. |
Dynamical and thermodynamical properties of amorphous ice: A. Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations.
Martin Jehser, Markus Seidl, Thomas Loerting, Gerhard Zifferer;
15. Österreichische Chemietage (Graz, Austria), 23/9–26/9/2013.
95. |
Crystallization kinetics of tris-naphthylbenzene isomers.
Markus Seidl, Shakeel S. Dalal, Mark D. Ediger;
15. Österreichische Chemietage (Graz, Austria), 23/9–26/9/2013.
94. |
Crystalline and amorphous water ices.
Thomas Loerting;
19th International Vacuum Congress IVC-19, Section Astronomical Frontiers for Surface Science (Paris, France), 9/9–13/9/2013.
93. |
Amorphous ices and their relation to ultraviscous liquids.
Katrin Amann-Winkel;
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Berlin, Germany), 14/8/2013.
92. |
Water: one substance, two glass transitions.
Thomas Loerting;
Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry & Physics of Liquids (Holderness, New Hampshire, United States of America), 4/8–9/8/2013.
91. |
Water's glass transition: glass-to-liquid or solid-to-solid transition?
Thomas Loerting, Katrin Amann-Winkel, Markus Seidl, Ramona Thalinger, Stephan Fuhrmann, Lukas Mayr, Agnes Raidt, Helge Nelson, Catalin Gainaru, Roland Böhmer;
7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (Barcelona, Spain), 21/7–26/7/2013.
90. |
Crystallization studies demonstrate hidden structural order in amorphous ice.
Markus Seidl, Katrin Amann-Winkel, Philip H. Handle, Gerhard Zifferer, Thomas Loerting;
7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (Barcelona, Spain), 21/7–26/7/2013.
89. |
From 3D to 2D: micropore collapse in amorphous solid water at >120 K.
Christian Mitterdorfer, Marion Bauer, Tristan G. A. Youngs, Daniel T. Bowron, Helen J. Fraser, Thomas Loerting;
7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (Barcelona, Spain), 21/7–26/7/2013.
88. |
The (amorphous) solid phases of water.
Thomas Loerting, Stephan Fuhrmann, Katrin Amann-Winkel, Philip H. Handle, Christian Mitterdorfer, Markus Seidl;
International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" on Water: fundamentals as the basis for understanding the environment and promoting technology (Varenna, Italy), 8/7–13/7/2013.
87. |
Supercooled bulk water just below the border to the no-man's land.
Thomas Loerting, Katrin Amann-Winkel, Markus Seidl, Philip H. Handle, Stephan Fuhrmann;
CECAM Workshop – New insights on simulations, theory and experiments in supercooled water (Lausanne, Switzerland), 3/7–5/7/2013.
86. |
Albert Camus’ Verständnis von Natur und Geschichte in ethnographischem Kontext.
Markus Seidl;
8. dgv-DoktorandInnen-Tagung der Europäischen Ethnologie / Volkskunde / Kulturanthropologie / Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft (Graz, Austria), 10/5–12/5/2013.
85. |
Recent experimental developments in amorphous ices and their relation to deeply supercooled liquids.
Thomas Loerting;
WATSURF 2013 – Water at interfaces: new developments in physics, chemistry and biology (Les Houches, France), 15/4–26/4/2013.
84. |
The many faces of ice.
Thomas Loerting;
Graduiertenseminar, Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Universität Innsbruck, Prof. Georg Kaser und Prof. Michael Kuhn (Innsbruck, Austria), 23/1/2013.
83. |
Es gibt einen Glasübergang von Wasser!
Thomas Loerting;
FKP-Kolloquium, Institut für Festkörperphysik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, Prof. Dr. Franz Fujara (Darmstadt, Germany), 14/1/2013.
82. |
Water's stable and metastable phases.
Thomas Loerting;
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Prof. Matthias Scheffler (Berlin, Germany), 20/12/2012.
81. |
Eis in der Atmosphäre und im Weltall.
Thomas Loerting;
Kolloquium Physik, Experimentelle Physik III der Technischen Universität Dortmund, Prof. Dr. Roland Böhmer (Dortmund, Germany), 16/10/2012.
80. |
Phases of ice.
Thomas Loerting;
Summer School on Microstructures of Ice and Snow (Obergurgl, Austria), 27/8–1/9/2012.
79. |
Der Glasübergang in amorphem Eis – DSC-Messungen.
Katrin Amann-Winkel, Thomas Loerting;
2. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 18/8–20/8/2012.
78. |
Dilatometrische Versuche an niedrigdichtem amorphen Eis.
Stephan Fuhrmann, Katrin Amann-Winkel, Thomas Loerting;
2. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 18/8–20/8/2012.
77. |
Amorphes festes Wasser (ASW) und CO2-Clathrate.
Christian Mitterdorfer, Marion Bauer, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
2. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 18/8–20/8/2012.
76. |
On the (non)crystallinity of high-density amorphous ice.
Markus Seidl, Philip H. Handle, Katrin Winkel, Gerhard Zifferer, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar on Water & Aqueous Solutions (Holderness, New Hampshire, United States of America), 11/8–12/8/2012.
75. |
Amorphous and deeply supercooled water.
Thomas Loerting;
Workshop on Methods for studying structure and dynamics in glassy, supercooled and nanoconfined fluids (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 15/5–18/5/2012.
74. |
How to make glasses and probing the glass-to-liquid by calorimetry and dilatometry.
Thomas Loerting;
School on Methods for studying structure and dynamics in glassy, supercooled and nanoconfined fluids (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 14/5–15/5/2012.
73. |
Amorphous ices and their glassy nature.
Markus Seidl, Katrin Winkel, Philip H. Handle, Gerhard Zifferer, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Prof. Mark D. Ediger (Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America), 8/2/2012.
72. |
Amorphous ices – the glassy states of water?
Katrin Winkel;
Berkeley Mini Stat Mech Meeting (Berkeley, California, United States of America), 13/1–15/1/2012.
71. |
Water and aqueous solutions at extreme conditions.
Thomas Loerting;
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Prof. Nadia Mösch-Zanetti (Graz, Austria), 11/1/2012.
70. |
Presence and absence of crystallization nuclei in high-density amorphous ice.
Markus Seidl, Katrin Winkel, Philip H. Handle, Gerhard Zifferer, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
Workshop on Phase Transformations and Novel Materials (Obergurgl, Austria), 3/11–5/11/2011.
69. |
Structural relaxation times in high-density amorphous ice.
Philip H. Handle, Markus Seidl, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
14. Österreichische Chemietage (Linz, Austria), 26/9–29/9/2011.
68. |
Amorphous solid water: experimental studies.
Thomas Loerting;
Challenges in Modelling the Reaction Chemistry of Interstellar Dust (Leiden, Netherlands), 19/9–23/9/2011.
67. |
Spectroscopic observation of carbonic acid isolated from the gas phase in a matrix.
Juergen Bernard, Markus Seidl, Ingrid Kohl, Klaus R. Liedl, Erwin Mayer, Óscar Gálvez, Hinrich Grothe, Thomas Loerting;
XIX. International Conference on Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research (Göttingen, Germany), 11/9–17/9/2011.
66. |
Liquid-coated ice particles in high-altitude clouds.
Anatoli Bogdan, Thomas Loerting;
8th Liquid Matter Conference (Vienna, Austria), 6/9–10/9/2011.
65. |
Amorphous ices – the glassy states of water: the calorimetric glass-liquid transition of HDA.
Katrin Winkel, Philip Handle, Michael S. Elsaesser, Markus Seidl, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
8th Liquid Matter Conference (Vienna, Austria), 6/9–10/9/2011.
64. |
Spectroscopic observation of matrix-isolated carbonic acid trapped from the gas phase.
Juergen Bernard, Markus Seidl, Thomas Loerting, Ingrid Kohl, Klaus R. Liedl, Erwin Mayer, Óscar Gálvez, Hinrich Grothe;
MATRIX2011 (Vancouver, Canada), 10/7–15/7/2011.
63. |
Komplexität und scheinbare Emergenz – Wissenschaftstheoretische Überlegungen in naturwissenschaftlichem Kontext.
Markus Seidl;
Reduktionismen – und Antworten der Philosophie (Vienna, Austria), 2/7–3/7/2011.
62. |
Are amorphous ices connected to liquid states? Answers from experimental and in silico studies.
Markus Seidl, Katrin Winkel, Thomas Loerting, Erwin Mayer, Ferenc Karsai, Gerhard Zifferer;
Bunsentagung 2011 (Berlin, Germany), 2/6–4/6/2011.
61. |
Spectroscopic observation of carbonic acid isolated from the gas phase in a matrix.
Juergen Bernard, Markus Seidl, Thomas Loerting, Ingrid Kohl, Klaus R. Liedl, Erwin Mayer, Óscar Gálvez, Hinrich Grothe;
Bunsentagung 2011 (Berlin, Germany), 2/6–4/6/2011.
60. |
Structural relaxation times in high-density amorphous ice (HDA).
Philip H. Handle, Markus Seidl, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung (Dresden, Germany), 13/3–18/3/2011.
59. |
Raman and IR spectroscopy of carbonic acid.
Christian Mitterdorfer, Juergen Bernard, Katrin Winkel, Marion Bauer, Frederik Klauser, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung (Dresden, Germany), 13/3–18/3/2011.
58. |
Amorphous ices – the glassy states of water?
Katrin Winkel;
Experimentelle Physik III der Technischen Universität Dortmund (Dortmund, Germany), 21/12/2010.
57. |
Strukturelle Relaxation in hochtdichtem amorphen Eis (HDA).
Philip H. Handle, Markus Seidl, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
1. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 5/10–7/10/2010.
56. |
Kristallisationsverhalten und Glasübergang von amorphem Eis unter Druck.
Markus Seidl, Michael S. Elsaesser, Katrin Winkel, Philip H. Handle, Gerhard Zifferer, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
1. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 5/10–7/10/2010.
55. |
Der Glasübergang in amorphem Eis bei 1 bar.
Katrin Winkel, Philip Handle, Michael S. Elsaesser, Markus Seidl, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
1. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 5/10–7/10/2010.
54. |
Druckinduzierte Phasenübergänge in Clathrat-Hydraten.
Marion Bauer, Daniel Toebbens, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
1. Eis- und Clathrat-Treffen (Odenwald, Germany), 5/10–7/10/2010.
53. |
Amorphous ices – the glassy states of water: the calorimetric glass→liquid transition of HDA.
Katrin Winkel, Philip Handle, Michael S. Elsaesser, Markus Seidl, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
12th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (Sapporo, Japan), 5/9–10/9/2010.
52. |
Water at subzero temperatures.
Thomas Loerting;
Universität Ulm, Prof. Hecker Denschlag (Ulm, Germany), 17/5/2010.
51. |
Amorphous ices – the glassy states of water: the calorimetric glass-liquid transition of high-density amorphous ice.
Katrin Winkel, Philip Handle, Michael S. Elsaesser, Markus Seidl, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
10th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids (Barcelona, Spain), 21/4–23/4/2010.
50. |
The volumetric glass transition and crystallization behavior of high-density amorphous ice (HDA).
Markus Seidl, Michael S. Elsaesser, Gerhard Zifferer, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
10th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids (Barcelona, Spain), 21/4–23/4/2010.
49. |
Repräsentation des Stoffes Wasser in Molekulardynamik-Simulationen.
Markus Seidl;
StipendiatInnenwochenende, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna, Austria), 26/2–27/2/2010.
48. |
Amorphe Eise – die Glaszustände des Wassers?
Katrin Winkel, Philip Handle, Michael S. Elsaesser, Markus Seidl, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
FKP-Kolloquium, Institut für Festkörperphysik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany), 1/2/2010.
47. |
Anomalous water – one substance, two liquids?
Thomas Loerting;
Physikkolloquium WS 2009/2010 der Universität Innsbruck (Innsbruck, Austria), 12/1/2010.
46. |
Amorphous ices – the glassy states of water.
Katrin Winkel, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
University Roma Tre, Prof. Maria Antonietta Ricci (Rome, Italy), 4/11/2009.
45. |
Mysterious Water.
Thomas Loerting;
Chemisch Physikalische Gesellschaft (Vienna, Austria), 20/10/2009.
44. |
Study of amorphous–amorphous transitions in water.
Katrin Winkel;
ÖPG Jahrestagung 2009 (Innsbruck, Austria), 4/9/2009.
43. |
Volumetric glass-to-liquid transition in amorphous ices up to 0.3 GPa.
Michael S. Elsaesser, Markus Seidl, Gerhard Zifferer, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
6th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (Rome, Italy), 30/8–5/9/2009.
42. |
The nature of amorphous ices and their relation to deeply supercooled liquids.
Thomas Loerting, Katrin Winkel, Michael S. Elsaesser, Markus Seidl, Philip Handle, Erwin Mayer;
6th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (Rome, Italy), 30/8–5/9/2009.
41. |
First-order transition between low-density bulk water and high-density bulk water: experimental results.
Thomas Loerting;
Bunsenkolloquium: Water in Biology, Chemistry and Physics – Results and Perspectives (Dortmund, Germany), 19/6/2009.
40. |
Cubic ice and large humidity with respect to ice in cold cirrus clouds.
Anatoli Bogdan, Thomas Loerting;
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009 (Vienna, Austria), 19/4–24/4/2009.
39. |
Kohlensäure (H2CO3): Ramanspektroskopie am Mars?
Juergen Bernard, Ingrid Kohl, Katrin Winkel, Marion Bauer, Klaus R. Liedl, Thomas Loerting, Erwin Mayer;
9. Raman-Workshop für Anwender, Horiba Jobin Yvon Gmbh (Bensheim, Germany), 10/3–11/3/2009.
38. |
Amorphous ices – Experiments.
Thomas Loerting;
A celebration of disordered matter: hard spheres, wet molecules, and awkward ice (London, United Kingdom), 8/1/2009.
37. |
Phase transitions in amorphous/crystalline solids under extreme conditions.
Thomas Loerting, Erwin Mayer, Katrin Winkel, Michael S. Elsaesser, Marion Bauer, Juergen Bernard, Markus Seidl;
58. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (Leoben, Austria), 22/9–26/9/2008.
36. |
Structural transitions in amorphous ices.
Thomas Loerting, Katrin Winkel, Erwin Mayer;
Gordon Research Conference on Water & Aqueous Solutions (Holderness, New Hampshire, United States of America), 27/7–1/8/2008.
35. |
Water polyamorphism.
Thomas Loerting, Katrin Winkel, Erwin Mayer;
7th Liquid Matter Conference (Lund, Sweden), 27/6–1/7/2008.
34. |
Water poly-amorphism: reversibility and (dis)continuity.
Katrin Winkel, Michael S. Elsaesser, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
Bunsentagung 2008 (Saarbrücken, Germany), 1/5–3/5/2008.
33. |
Effect of compression-rate on recrystallization of ice.
Marion Bauer, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
72. Jahrestagung der DPG (Berlin, Germany), 25/2–29/2/2008.
32. |
"Phase"-transitions in amorphous water.
Katrin Winkel, Michael S. Elsaesser, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
72. Jahrestagung der DPG (Berlin, Germany), 25/2–29/2/2008.
31. |
Anomalies of water: Do they drive biopolymer inactivation?
Thomas Loerting;
Vienna Biocenter, Prof. Konrat (Vienna, Austria), 9/1/2008.
30. |
Multiple first order like transitions in amorphous ice?
Thomas Loerting, Katrin Winkel, Erwin Mayer;
European Science Foundation (ESF): Water Interfaces in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Obergurgl, Austria), 8/12–13/12/2007.
29. |
Continuous and discontinuous transitions in amorphous water.
Katrin Winkel, Marion Bauer, Michael S. Elsaesser, Erwin Mayer, Thomas
12. Österreichische Chemietage (Klagenfurt, Austria), 10/9–13/9/2007.
28. |
The volumetric glass→liquid transition in glycerol at high pressures.
Michael S. Elsaesser, Markus Seidl, Ingrid Kohl, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
12. Österreichische Chemietage (Klagenfurt, Austria), 10/9–13/9/2007.
27. |
Carbonic acid (H2CO3): from polyamorphism to polymorphism.
Thomas Loerting, Katrin Winkel, Wolfgang Hage, Sarah L. Price, Erwin Mayer;
12. Österreichische Chemietage (Klagenfurt, Austria), 10/9–13/9/2007.
26. |
Deeply supercooled liquid water.
Thomas Loerting;
Interview for European Young Investigator Award (Brussels, Belgium), 20/6/2007.
25. |
Ozone depletion: the role of polar stratospheric ice clouds.
Thomas Loerting;
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Berlin, Germany), 24/5/2007.
24. |
The glass→liquid transition of HDA.
Thomas Loerting;
Technische Universität Dortmund, Dr. Ivan Brovchenko & Prof. Alfons Geiger (Dortmund, Germany), 20/10/2006.
23. |
Water's anomalies at low temperatures: polyamorphism of ice.
Thomas Loerting;
Center of Materials Science, Prof. Dellago (Vienna, Austria), 22/6/2006.
22. |
Carbonic acid – Polymorph characterization by spectroscopy.
Thomas Loerting, Wolfgang Hage, Ingrid Kohl, Erwin Mayer;
University College London, Prof. Sarah L. Price (London, United Kingdom), 20/4/2006.
21. |
Wasser: Rätsel und Anomalien.
Thomas Loerting;
Verleihung des Liechtenstein-Preises (Vaduz, Liechtenstein), 11/4/2006.
20. |
Amorphes Eis.
Katrin Winkel, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
WG Meeting Pottenstein (Pottenstein, Germany), 10/3–13/3/2006.
19. |
Polyamorphism of ice.
Thomas Loerting;
SASP 2006: Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics (Obergurgl, Austria), 4/2–9/2/2006.
18. |
Wasser: Rätsel und Anomalien.
Thomas Loerting;
Verleihung des Novartis Preis 2005 für Chemie (Vienna, Austria), 1/1/2006.
17. |
Amorphous ices in relation to each other.
Katrin Winkel, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
Universität Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany), 17/12/2005.
16. |
HDA and VHDA in relation to each other.
Katrin Winkel, Erwin Mayer, Thomas Loerting;
Univ. Pierre & Marie Curie, France Focus (Paris, France), 21/11/2005.
15. |
Wasser: Rätsel und Anomalien.
Thomas Loerting;
GÖCH-Vortrag (Universität Wien), Prof. Kautek (Vienna, Austria), 17/10/2005.
14. |
The structure of chlorine phases on a platinum(110) surface.
R. Zucca, C. Franchini, J. Redinger, C. Deisl, T. Loerting, A. Menzel, E. Bertel;
ECOSS 23 (Berlin, Germany), 5/9–9/9/2005.
13. |
Universal and anomalous, non-universal order-disorder phase transitions in
Thomas Loerting et al.;
ECOSS 23 (Berlin, Germany), 5/9–9/9/2005.
12. |
Quasi-1D universal and non-universal transitions in c(2×2)-Br/Pt(110).
Thomas Loerting, Alexander Menzel, Clemens Deisl, Mariana Minca, Erminald Bertel, Stephen Berkebile, Johannes Schoiswohl, Falko P. Netzer;
Joint Research Project Meeting: Nanoscience on Surfaces
(Reinischkogel, Austria), 27/6/2005.
11. |
Thomas Loerting;
Bunsentagung 2005 (Frankfurt, Germany), 1/5/2005.
10. |
Low dimensional systems: status report.
Erminald Bertel et al.;
Joint Research Project Meeting: Nanoscience on Surfaces
(Obergurgl, Austria), 26/4–29/4/2005.
9. |
Phase transitions of bromine on Pt(110).
T. Loerting, A. Menzel, C. Deisl, M. Minca, E. Bertel, S. Berkebile, J. Schoiswohl, F. P. Netzer;
Joint Research Project Meeting: Nanoscience on Surfaces
(Obergurgl, Austria), 26/4–29/4/2005.
8. |
Order-disorder transitions of halogens on Pt(110) by I(T) LEED (O27.5).
T. Loerting, A. Menzel, C. Deisl, M. Minca, E. Bertel;
69. Jahrestagung der DPG – Einsteintagung (Berlin, Germany), 4/3–9/3/2005.
7. |
Phase-diagram of HBr on ice.
Thomas Loerting;
Interview for European Young Investigator Award (Brussels, Belgium), 1/7/2004.
6. |
Chlorine chemistry in the polar stratosphere.
T. Loerting, M. J. Molina;
Antrittsvortrag an der Universität Innsbruck (Innsbruck, Austria), 30/10/2003.
5. |
Mechanism of chlorine activation in the stratosphere.
Thomas Loerting;
10. Österreichische Chemietage (Linz, Austria), 17/9–19/9/2002.
4. |
Kinetik von wasserunterstütztem Protonentransfer in der Atmosphäre.
Thomas Loerting;
Verleihung des Loschmidt-Preises der CPG (Vienna, Austria), 4/12/2001.
Full Talk (360 MB, 57:02)
3. |
Water mediated proton transfer in the atmosphere.
T. Loerting, K. R. Liedl;
Antrittsvortrag am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America), 10/10/2001.
2. |
What does VTST tell about acid rain and the ozone hole?
Thomas Loerting;
Verleihung des Christine und Georg Sosnovsky Preises (Innsbruck, Austria), 27/6/2001.
1. |
Schwefeloxide und saurer Regen.
Thomas Loerting;
Verleihung des Prof. Ernst Brandl Preises (Schwaz, Austria), 23/6/2001.
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